Family house of 5 apartments, on a cliff.
Nea Penteli, Athens
A house built literally on a cliff.
A difference of 15 meters height between the two streets which define the extremities of the cliff. Surrounded by trees and a river.
The garage located on the lowest level (-2), with its entrance on the bottom street. From there and up a game of different levels is created. A project that demanded a lot of thinking, in order to create something functional and beautiful at the same time, with all the difficulties of building on a cliff.
Two apartments exactly on top of the garage, with their private garden facing the river in front of the bottom street, we call it -1 level. The street is hidden by the trees. The garden surrounds the building, going up in it’s sides, creating this way another level of garden for the third apartment . We are now on the so called, ground floor - level 0. This apartment evolves as well on the next two levels. Locating one bedroom at level 1 and a playroom at level 2. This apartment has a two level garden area, this time facing the street on the highest level of the cliff. A few balconies are providing view to the other side, facing the river and the garden below.
Moving at the Level 1, besides the one bedroom of the 3rd apartment, we can find a 4th apartment, which is now at the same level as the top street. A bridge is providing access to this apartment by connecting it with the street, crossing over the garden. At the same level, we can also find the entrance to the 5th and last apartment, which is actually a level higher. The door opens to a staircase which leads to the highest level of the house. There we can find the most magical view…whole Athens, from the mountains to the sea, just in front of us.
In the same exact spirit is the entrance of the 3rd apartment, just a level below. A bridge crossing over the entrance of the 1st and 2nd apartments.
The whole house is connected through an elevator. It’s a family house so an easy access between the different floors, flats and gardens was certain.